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Sundown on the Savannah River


Born in western North Carolina and raised in central Florida. Was a cowboy as a profession for my late teens and further. Ended up back in N.C. where I went to college. Now run a family business and write suspense novels in various genres. 41 novels to date and still typing. An avid outdoorsman, play several different musical instruments, do woodworking when I get the chance. A huge University of Florida athletics fan. The following are the books I have published to date. With Sympathy for Job, The Betrayal, Pheramane, a gatherer, Through Black Velvet Eyes, Fields of Ghosts, Tears For A Gunslinger-A Gabriel Ransom Story, Ashes in the Wind, Red Pegs Black Pegs, Troublesome Bones, The Devil You Know, Sundown on the Savannah River, The Darkest Sins–book 1 The Gun Hand Series, The Darkest Vengeance–book 2 The Gun Hand Series, The Darkest Acts–book 3 The Gun Hand Series, The Darkest Secret–book 4 The Gun Hand Series, The Darkest Event–book 5 The Gun Hand Series, The Darkest Day—book 6 The Gun Hand Series, A Mutilated Mind–a collaborative novel, Goliath, The Dreadful Deep book 1, Goliath, Beneath Terrible Tides book 2, Goliath, War On The Waves book 3, The Man In White Bull- A Gabriel Ransom Story, Dodging The Gallows–A Gabriel Ransom Story, Honored Friend and Hero, The Return of the Ranger—Book 1 Noah Weyland Series, The Right Man for the Work—Book 2 Noah Weyland Series, A Debt of Blood—Book 3 Noah Weyland Series, No More Loose Ends—Book 4 Noah Weyland Series, One Last Hanging—Book 5 Noah Weyland Series, Six Bullets to Sundown-A Bounty Hunter Collection, The Tower-Book 1, Isolation, The Tower-Book 2, Abandonment, One Badge Against The Storm—-Book 1, A Sour Springs Western, A Texas Home Fire, Trail of Sorrow–A Doc Hatcher Story, Book 1, The Killing Shadow—A Doc Hatcher Story, Book 2, The Storm is Coming–A Doc Hatcher Story, Book 3, The Mountains Call —Volume 2, A Calling from Within the Mountains: Broken Ties. A Doc Hatcher Story, Book 4, A Cry From Within The Mountains, A Doc Hatcher Story, Book 5, Finding Hope In The High Wilds. A Doc Hatcher Story, Book 6, A Journey Of Discoveries-A Doc Hatcher Story, Book 7. I am also a contributing writer for a podcast and for a time hosted my own podcast where I interviewed writers from all over the world about the different ways of writing suspense.


It had taken a little while after graduation for him to find his way, and then a while after landing a job to find where his interests and talents lay, but eventually Jackson Moffett settled into his niche and began the upward climb. Work was his passion and his focus until he met her. Together they were the poster kids for ideal marriages. Filling in the blank spots and gaps for each other. She looks out for him, and he cherishes and adores her. Together they rode out each storm that life threw at them, and appeared to emerge stronger on the other side. Each and every year this unbreakable bond they had created was celebrated and renewed in the same place, reaffirmed mere steps from the Savannah River.

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