Advance Chess: Quiet Reflection of the Double Set Game: The Symbiosis of Full Spectrum Inferences
This book is about the Double Set Game, Game (D.4.2.31) played on Model III, the Longitudinal Star Gate 14 Model, an advanced space-aged chess game board. A double-set game comprises two unique chess sets. The winner of this game must CHECKMATE his/her opponents’ kings twice to avail of victory.
This book, Book 2 Vol. 5, raises many compelling questions about the dexterity of human intelligence capability as opposed to robotic (artificial) intelligence. Computer software engineers are designing software that surpasses the gameplay intelligence of Game Board Masters in classic games such as the Chinese chess game called “Go” as well as conventional chess, namely IBM’s chess software called “Deep Blue” which defeated the chess Grand Master, Gary Kasparov.
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